All events on this page are for 2024 and recently updated.
THE GOOD BOOK CLUB – Thursday, September 12, 2:00 pm in the Fireside Room. This month’s book is 1 Kings. Zoom available upon request. Please contact the office.
FEAST OF ST MATTHEW – Sunday, September 22. Soup Lunch to follow after the service. Bring a pot of soup to share! Please make sure you have a list of all ingredients in case of allergies.
CONFIRMATION CLASSES – September 16 through October 21. Contact the office if you are interested. Confirmation Day is October 27.
BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS – October 6, during 10:00 am worship.
OUT-4-LUNCH – Lunch served at 12 noon. Especially for seniors, but open to everyone. More details below.
Next date: October 7, 2024
GAMES NIGHT – NEW! – Family-friendly games nights will be held approximately once a month. These are community events, so bring your friends, family, and neighbours. Stay tuned for more information.
October 18
November 15
MISTLETOE MARKET – Saturday, November 23. Save the date!
Interested in being a vendor? Find the Vendor Application Form below. Please email the office with your completed form or call for more details.
You can now support St. Matthew’s when you buy from Tru Earth at the following link: Shop Tru Earth.
Tru Earth is an online store that sells eco-friendly cleaning supplies such as laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, and multi-purpose cleaner. When you order a product through the link above, a percentage of the total sales value will go to St. Matthew’s.
Drive-Through Drop-Off
Food collection continues all year round, including all holidays and the summer.
Our Food Donation program benefits the Burlington Food Bank and the Compassion Society of Halton.
Weekly food collection at our front driveway is on Wednesdays from 10am – 1pm. When you arrive, please leave your donations on the wooden pallet. Please do not leave donations at other times, as there is no one at the church regularly to bring them inside.
The need for food is great at this time. For more information about these charities, or to donate to them directly, please follow these links: