
Contact Us & About Us

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 St. Matthew’s Anglican Church
126 Plains Road East
Burlington, ON L7T 2C3

  Please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you!

Hall rentals have resumed. Worship services are offered in person and virtually.



The office will be closed for vacations from July 22 to July 29 inclusive. During this time, please send us an email or leave a voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Clair Macaulay-Newcombe, Parish Administrator
Tuesdays, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Thursdays, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
or by appointment

The Reverend Canon Susan Wilson, Rector
Tuesdays, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Wednesdays, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Thursdays, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
or by appointment

Email and phone messages are checked regularly.


Our Vision Statement

We are called to be a dynamic community, living our faith through service and learning, inviting all to worship and grow in discipleship.

Our Community

We are a Christian Church seeking to live out the transforming power of God’s love. Through the strength we draw from our relationships with one another and with God, we believe that we are making a difference in the lives of our neighbours in Burlington. We are eager to expand the boundaries of our faith and worship while maintaining a respectful appreciation of the Holy Scriptures and the traditions of the Anglican Church of Canada. Whether you are married, single, divorced, widowed, young, elderly, with or without children, you are invited to join us in our worship and programs.

Our Key Purposes

To providing a warm, safe, welcoming and caring environment, where God’s love is experienced and shared.

To encourage a meaningful spiritual journey through prayer, the Sacraments, and the study of Scripture.

To help people discern their spiritual gifts and to equip them to do God’s work and share their faith.

To understand and serve the needs of the local community and beyond with the compassion of Christ.

To be faithful stewards of God’s creation and generous contributors of our time, talent and treasure.

Our Governance

Our church has a governing Corporation comprised of two Wardens, two Deputy Wardens and the Rector. The Parish Council, made up of representatives of the congregation, meets monthly to share information and to make recommendations to the Corporation for review. We hold an annual Vestry Meeting in February at which members of the parish are asked to ratify proposals relating to our shared life as a church community, and to approve the budget for the coming year.

We belong to the Diocese of Niagara that includes approximately 100 parishes from Fort Erie to Orangeville and from Ancaster to Oakville. As Anglicans, we are led by our Bishop, The Right Reverend Susan Bell, and we are governed by the decisions of our Synod – a body made up of clergy and lay people representing all the parishes in the Diocese.

Rector: The Reverend Canon Dr Susan Wilson
Parish Deacon: The Reverend Deacon Janice Whiteley
Wardens: Jim Blake, Nadine Martin
Deputy Wardens: Grace Anne Wilbur, Carol Blake
Bookkeeper: Clair Macaulay-Newcombe
Director of Music: 
Parish Administrator: Clair Macaulay-Newcombe

Our Volunteer Teams

Chancel Choir (vocal)
This vocal choir practices Thursday evenings from 7:45 to 9:15 pm, preparing for regular Sunday services and special occasions such as Christmas and Easter. Fellowship generated at practices is enhanced by social events. The choir is open to people of all ages and levels of experience who are able to make the majority of rehearsals and services. Previous singing experience is not necessary. All are welcome! Come and give it a try.

Hand Bell Choir
St. Matthew’s is very fortunate to have a lovely set of hand bells & chimes which have a beautiful and unique sound. The Hand Bell choir plays on occasional and at special services. Members range in age from early teens to seniors. Practices are held Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Newcomers are welcome!

Event Planners
Teams inspired by our Mission Action Planning process organise and run regular social events such as community meals, the Mistletoe Market, and the annual Plant Sale.

Altar Guild
Volunteers work in teams to prepare the altar and the sanctuary for Sunday worship and special occasions throughout the year. Flowers on the altar are donated by parishioners for special occasions such as anniversaries, weddings, or in memory of a loved one.

Red Carpet
Greeting is an important ministry of our church as we want all people to feel welcomed and at home. Red Carpet greeters make sure that visitors or new members are introduced and invited to share in our hospitality after the service.

Members participate in our worship by reading the Holy Scriptures. Workshops are offered to assist people in their reading.

Prayers of the People
Members offer to God the prayers of the people on behalf of the parish on each Sunday morning.

Sanctuary Attendants
Members assist the clergy during the services by performing a variety of duties such as candle, chalice, or cross bearer. Team Leaders are responsible for teaching the other attendants.

Coffee Hour Hosts
Our ambassadors of hospitality encourage fellowship following the services by preparing refreshments in the Fireside Room.

Team Coordinators
Each of the above teams has one or more coordinators who schedule and help train all the volunteers in their group. They make sure no task is left undone.