

The work of St. Matthew’s Outreach Committee is never ending; those in need are always with us and require our help. At St. Matthew’s, we support organizations where our donations will make the biggest difference. Presently, our parish, through many groups including the Mothers’ Union, and St. Matthew’s Outreach Committee, is currently participating in the following Outreach programs:*


This popular program is back! Out-4-Lunch is a community meal offered monthly, especially for seniors but open to everyone. This is a joint program supported by volunteers form four local churches: Holy Rosary, East Plans United, West Plains United, and St. Matthew on-the-Plains. See our Events page for the next date.

Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund

Support to this worldwide relief fund is through the use of our blue church envelopes and special PWRDF envelopes distributed throughout the year. https://pwrdf.org

Partnership West Food Bank

Partnership West, our community food bank, is always in need of non-perishable food items. There is a basket in the Narthex for food. Financial donations can also be made directly to Partnership West.https://www.burlingtonfoodbank.ca/

Halton Women’s Place

Halton Women’s Place is a shelter in our community where women and their children can go to find refuge. We try to keep informed of the needs of the centre and respond when we can. https://haltonwomensplace.com/

Compassion Society

Many members of our congregation volunteer their time at the Compassion Society which provides clothing, food and referrals to local resources. Their vision is to grow a generous community of people helping people leading to overall improved lives. https://www.compassionsocietyofhalton.com/faq

Mothers’ Union

The Mothers’ Union is the world’s largest and most widely spread Christian family society. It came into being as a Christian women’s group within the Anglican communion but membership is open to any baptized Christian. You do not have to be a mother to join.

AIM – The aim of the Mothers’ Union is the advancement of the Christian religion in the sphere of marriage and family life.

PURPOSE – The purpose of the Mothers’ Union is to be specially concerned with all that strengthens and preserves marriage and Christian family life.

OBJECTIVES – The five Objectives of the society are:

  1. Uphold Christ’s teaching on the nature of marriage and to promote it’s wider understanding.
  2. Encourage parents to bring up their children in the faith and life of the church.
  3. Maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service.
  4. Promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children.
  5. Help those whose family life has met with adversity.